Misconceptions About Cremation Services that You Need to Know

Misconceptions About Cremation Services that You Need to Know

Misconceptions About Cremation Services that You Need to Know

When the time comes to sit down with a funeral director to plan final services for a deceased loved one, what should you expect? Most people are already pretty sure about what funeral services entail, but a lot of people have misconceptions about Charleston, WV cremation services and what they involve. And when you’re planning the body disposition of a deceased relative, you don’t want to make decisions based on misconceptions. Consider some of the more common misconceptions about cremation services and then learn the truth.

Misconception: Cremation Services are for Atheists Not for People of Faith

This is patently untrue. Yes, there was a time when many religious denominations frowned on cremations. But time has changed things on this front considerably since many religious denominations that were once against cremation are now okay with it. It’s also important to note that cremation, while often held for people who reject religious affiliation, is equally suitable for people who believe in a deity. If you and yours are planning a cremation for a deceased relative, you can always have a memorial down the road to celebrate their life. You can also have a traditional funeral service — with or without the body present at the site — before having the cremation. So there really are enough options to make cremation a suitable option for many.

Misconception: Cremation Services Involve Burning Up the Deceased

Modern crematoriums place the bodies of the deceased into cremation chambers and use intense heat to reduce the bodies back down to their basic elements. It’s incorrect, therefore, to believe that the bodies are set ablaze. This misconception is one reason why some people view cremation as a body disposition unfavorably. The reality is that heat, not fire, does the work. This may give your family — especially the children in your family — some peace of mind.

Misconception: You Might End Up with the Ashes of Another Person

This misconception is downright scary. No one wants to think that the ashes in the urn they’re taking home might belong to a stranger rather than their deceased loved one. For your peace of mind, ask the funeral home you’re dealing with how they ensure that there are no mix-ups. One way that you can be reasonably certain that there are no bad surprises is that one body at a time is placed into a cremation chamber. Beyond this, funeral homes employ other means to ensure that the ashes that are presented to you post-cremation belong to your deceased loved one.

Do you need to plan cremation services in Charleston, WV? Contact us at Barlow Bonsall Funeral Home & Crematorium for the professional care and service you require. You can get a hold of us at (304) 342-8135 or by visiting us at 1118 Virginia St E Charleston, WV 25301. We have experience helping people who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Allow us to assist you during your time of need. We’re only a phone call or a visit away.

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